Zoo 2 by James Patterson (#2 – Zoo)

Zoo 2 (Zoo, #2)

Zoo 2 by James Patterson (with Max DiLallo)

 Published: June 2016



Zoo II by James Patterson and Max DiLallo is a “bookshot”.  Basically a novella. 

As a continuation of a world gone wild, literally, we enter the realm of Jackson Oz, who is currently living in the Arctic with his wife Chloe and their young son Eli.   When his solution to the animal kingdom attacking humans didn’t seem viable as a long-term answer to the government, Oz fled with his family.  Now the government is willing to put another team together and listen to the scientists.  Oz agrees to join, while sending his wife and child to live with her parents in France.  Now there is a new wrinkle.  Humans are starting to show aggression.  And it doesn’t seem to matter where you go, no one is safe.

Although the plot and writing is good, I am actually enjoying the television series more than I am enjoying these books.  For one thing, Patterson’s male characters are always a little sexist.  Even though Oz is married, and he remains loyal, his thoughts are always on how cute his co-worker is.  He sounds like another of Patterson’s characters – Alex Cross, a womanizer.  Patterson doesn’t get it.

There is definitely lots of action, which helps to move the book along.  This is a short story in Patterson’s fast style of short chapters, but in this case a shorter book.  Personally I feel these are just a money grab by someone who has no need of the cash.  But, if you need something to fill in a little time….


Read: July 2017


Favorite Quotes from Zoo 2:

“Even for an optimist like myself, it’s getting harder and harder not to worry.
Not just about my family. About the future of the human race.”

“I’m all for saving a life.  Just as long as it doesn’t cost my own.”


About the Authors:

James Patterson has written more bestsellers and created more enduring fictional characters than any other novelist writing today. He lives in Florida with his family.

Max DiLallo is a novelist, playwright, and screenwriter. He lives in Los Angeles.

Zoo by James Patterson (#1 Zoo)


Zoo by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge

 Published: 2012



Zoo, by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge, did not live up to my expectations.  I have read most of his novels, and enjoyed 90%.  This was one of his duds.

The above statement was from my first reading of this book a few years ago.  I have been enjoying the television series (now in its 3rd season), and thought I would re-read the book.   Although it still lacks something, I have a little more respect for the novel.

In particular, I still find the premise of Zoo interesting.  Jackson Oz, a biologist/ecologist/scientist became obsessed with the idea that there have been an increased amount of animal attacks on humans.  He drops out of university to pursue this line of thought.  Unfortunately, very few in the field believe him.  On a trip to Botswana, Oz experiences the attack of a group of all male lions, something unheard of. That seems to be the beginning.  Animals around the world start attacking humans.  From bats to rhinos, from house-cats to lions, from zoo animals to pets, they all seem to act as one. 

Oz is suddenly in the spot-light.  People are finally listening.  However, when they finally figure out why this is happening, the bigger question becomes, can humans change their ways.

Overall, Patterson did what he always does.  Provide a fast-paced, suspense-filled book. Still not totally happy with the book, but it wasn’t as bad the second time around… 


Re-Read: June 2017


Favorite Quotes from Zoo:

“Turns out an apocalypse actually comes on pretty slowly. Not fire and brimstone but rust and dandelions. Not a bang but a whimper.”

“It was a zoo, all right, I thought, shutting off the water, staring out through the bars down at Seventh Street. Only it was starting to look like the Homo sapiens were the ones who would be relegated to the cages from now on.”


About the Authors:

James Patterson needs no introduction.  Still a prolific writer.

Michael Ledwidge has written a few novels on his own, but is most famous for co-writing a number of books with Patterson.  Of Irish descent, he is New York born and raised.