My Year in Books – 2022

My passion for books continues…..I thought I would share some of the results from GoodReads, which I find interesting, but not really pertinent.  I always set a goal on that site, but I don’t really care if I meet it.  It’s the strength of the books that carries my passion.  Not the number I read.



So, my goal for the year was 125 books….As you can see that was surpassed….but I still think it’s a good goal and I will probably use it again in 2023.


These are my shortest and longest books read in 2023.  What I found interesting, is that I gave them both 3.5 stars.


That seems about right to me.



This doesn’t actually surprise me.  I have read a lot of good books in 2022!


Anyway, that’s it for me….How about you.  Did you meet or exceed your goals?  Do you even set a goal, or are you like me….set them, but don’t really care if you meet them — when it comes to books anyway!




Merry Christmas from Our House to Yours


Merry Christmas to all my followers and friends.  May your day be filled with happiness and peace!

Also, for those in blizzard country (apparently us), stay safe!



My husband blew a path to the road yesterday….he’s out there trying again today.





This is the view from inside our front door.  Needless to say we are not going anywhere again today.




Again….Merry Christmas!




Author/Reviewer Discussions


In the last number of years, I have been lucky enough to correspond with some of my favorite authors, and this is so pleasant for a humble book reviewer.  Most authors are wonderful, and thank me for my opinions (whether or not they are complimentary), frequently re-tweeting my posts.  Often we have corresponded in more detail.

I want to hi-light two instances where the end results were very different. Both of these were from reviews in which I criticized certain aspects of their books. I won’t name names, but both are best-selling authors.

The first author came back to me and asked for specifics. I had given him 3 star reviews. I had mentioned that although I loved his characters and plots, I found there was a lot of repetition in his books. I was able to supply him with the details he requested, and he thanked me, and we continue to correspond, and I continue to read and review his books.

From that instance, I have learned to be more precise when I criticize, so that everyone knows exactly why I disliked something.

The second author came back and asked why I continue to read her books if I don’t like her characters. I told her that although I don’t like the characters (and I have been precise in my reasoning), her plots and twists are amazing. She always gets at least 4 or 5 star reviews from me. Apparently that isn’t good enough, so she will no longer be reading my blog or reviews. That’s fine, but it left me with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.

When an author approaches me with their book, I tell them up front that I will be posting honest reviews, the good and the bad. If they aren’t happy with that, they shouldn’t send me their book. An author pours their heart and soul into their book, and it’s hard to accept that not everyone may like it, but it’s a chance they must be willing to take if they want to publish. I also only accept or request books that interest me. I’m not going to request something that I think I will hate! Sometimes I find a dud, but usually the book has at least some redeeming qualities!

The reason that I review is to express my opinion, just like everyone else who does this.  People like to know the good and the bad in different books.  Sometimes they actually follow the reviewers advice, but I think most people still make up their own minds as to what they are going to read.  I wish I only read and reviewed 5 star books, but alas, that won’t happen unless I lie.

As well, we are not all going to have the same thoughts, and what may rub me the wrong way, may be fine with others.  I don’t knowingly pick up a romance book, and others read only that genre.  That’s why the world is so interesting….we have different opinions. What a boring world it would be if we all liked the same things!

Bottom line, I will continue to express my opinions, and be precise in both my praise and criticisms of the books that I review. If that isn’t enough, you don’t have to read my reviews.

So, here’s to reviewers everywhere who have had a bad review of their review! ❤️❤️❤️



Between 65 And Death

This is great advice to anyone…you don’t have to be 65 to see the importance.  Thanks to the original poster!


Many of us are between 65 and death . An old friend sent me this excellent list for aging , and , I have to agree it’s good advice to follow … particularly the item 19 .

01 – It’s time to use the money you saved up . Use it and enjoy it . Don’t just keep it for those who may have no notion of the sacrifices you made to get it . Remember there is nothing more dangerous than a son or daughter-in-law with big ideas for your hard-earned capital . Warning : This is also a bad time for investments , even if it seems wonderful or fool-proof . They only bring problems and worries . This is a time for you to enjoy some peace and quiet .

02 – Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren , and don’t feel bad spending your money on yourself . You’ve taken care of them for many years , and you’ve taught them what you could . You gave them an education , food , shelter and support . The responsibility is now theirs to earn their own money .

03 – Keep a healthy life , without great physical effort . Do moderate exercise ( like walking every day ) , eat well and get your sleep . It’s easy to become sick , and it gets harder to remain healthy . That is why you need to keep yourself in good shape and be aware of your medical and physical needs . Keep in touch with your doctor , do tests even when you’re feeling well . Stay informed .

04 – Always buy the best , most beautiful items for your significant other . The key goal is to enjoy your money with your partner . One day one of you will miss the other , and the money will not provide any comfort then , enjoy it together .

05 – Don’t stress over the little things . You’ve already overcome so much in your life . You have good memories and bad ones , but the important thing is the present . Don’t let the past drag you down and don’t let the future frighten you . Feel good in the now . Small issues will soon be forgotten .

06 – Regardless of age , always keep love alive . Love your partner , love life , love your family , love your neighbor and remember : A man is not old as long as he has intelligence and affection .

07 – Be proud , both inside and out . Don’t stop going to your hair salon or barber , do your nails , go to the dermatologist and the dentist , keep your perfumes and creams well stocked . When you are well-maintained on the outside , it seeps in , making you feel proud and strong .

08 – Don’t lose sight of fashion trends for your age , but keep your own sense of style . There’s nothing worse than an older person trying to wear the current fashion among youngsters . You’ve developed your own sense of what looks good on you – keep it and be proud of it . It’s part of who you are .

09 – Always stay up-to-date . Read newspapers , watch the news . Go online and read what people are saying . Make sure you have an active email account and try to use some of those social networks . You’ll be surprised what old friends you’ll meet . Keeping in touch with what is going on and with the people you know is important at any age .

10 – Respect the younger generation and their opinions . They may not have the same ideals as you , but they are the future , and will take the world in their direction . Give advice , not criticism , and try to remind them that yesterday’s wisdom still applies today .

11 – Never use the phrase In my time . Your time is now . As long as you’re alive , you are part of this time . You may have been younger , but you are still you now , having fun and enjoying life .

12 – Some people embrace their golden years , while others become bitter and surly . Life is too short to waste your days on the latter . Spend your time with positive , cheerful people , it’ll rub off on you and your days will seem that much better . Spending your time with bitter people will make you older and harder to be around .

13 – Do not surrender to the temptation of living with your children or grandchildren ( if you have a financial choice , that is ) . Sure , being surrounded by family sounds great , but we all need our privacy . They need theirs and you need yours . If you’ve lost your partner ( our deepest condolences ) , then find a person to move in with you and help out . Even then , do so only if you feel you really need the help or do not want to live alone .

14 – Don’t abandon your hobbies . If you don’t have any , make new ones . You can travel , hike , cook , read , dance . You can adopt a cat or a dog , grow a garden , play cards , checkers , chess , dominoes , golf . You can paint , volunteer or just collect certain items . Find something you like and spend some real time having fun with it .

15 – Even if you don’t feel like it , try to accept invitations . Baptisms , graduations , birthdays , weddings , conferences . Try to go . Get out of the house , meet people you haven’t seen in a while , experience something new ( or something old ) . But don’t get upset when you’re not invited . Some events are limited by resources , and not everyone can be hosted . The important thing is to leave the house from time to time . Go to museums , go walk through a field . Get out there .

16 – Be a conversationalist . Talk less and listen more . Some people go on and on about the past , not caring if their listeners are really interested . That’s a great way of reducing their desire to speak with you . Listen first and answer questions , but don’t go off into long stories unless asked to . Speak in courteous tones and try not to complain or criticize too much unless you really need to . Try to accept situations as they are . Everyone is going through the same things , and people have a low tolerance for hearing complaints . Always find some good things to say as well .

17 – Pain and discomfort go hand in hand with getting older . Try not to dwell on them but accept them as a part of the cycle of life we’re all going through . Try to minimize them in your mind . They are not who you are , they are something that life added to you . If they become your entire focus , you lose sight of the person you used to be .

18 – If you’ve been offended by someone – forgive them . If you’ve offended someone – apologize . Don’t drag around resentment with you . It only serves to make you sad and bitter . It doesn’t matter who was right . Someone once said : Holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die . Don’t take that poison . Forgive , forget and move on with your life .

19 – If you have a strong belief , savor it . But don’t waste your time trying to convince others . They will make their own choices no matter what you tell them , and it will only bring you frustration . Live your faith and set an example . Live true to your beliefs and let that memory sway them .

20 – Laugh A Lot . Laugh at everything . Remember , you are one of the lucky ones . You managed to have a life , a long one . Many never get to this age , never get to experience a full life . But you did . So what’s not to laugh about ? Find the humor in your situation .

21 – Take no notice of what others say about you and even less notice of what they might be thinking . They’ll do it anyway , and you should have pride in yourself and what you’ve achieved . Let them talk and don’t worry . They have no idea about your history , your memories and the life you’ve lived so far . There’s still much to be written , so get busy writing and don’t waste time thinking about what others might think . Now is the time to be at rest , at peace and as happy as you can be !

And , Remember : Life is too short to drink bad wine ! ! ! Or , in my case , bad Arnold Palmer .

Steve Korker 2017/05/31

Mây Biển

Many of us are between 65 and death . An old friend sent me this excellent list for aging , and , I have to agree it’s good advice to follow … particularly the item 19 .

01 – It’s time to use the money you saved up . Use it and enjoy it . Don’t just keep it for those who may have no notion of the sacrifices you made to get it . Remember there is nothing more dangerous than a son or daughter-in-law with big ideas for your hard-earned capital . Warning : This is also a bad time for investments , even if it seems wonderful or fool-proof . They only bring problems and worries . This is a time for you to enjoy some peace and quiet .

02 – Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren , and don’t feel bad spending your money on yourself . You’ve taken care of them for many years , and…

View original post 1,239 more words

Upcoming Book Reviews – November 2019


Upcoming Book Reviews – November 2019

A challenging month, as there are so many books I plan on reviewing.  To pick only 5 to display here is difficult.  I will try for a mixture of the good, the bad, the in-between — it’s up to the reader to figure out which is which.


The Afrikaner The Afrikaner by Adrianna Dagnino – Published April, 2019

Apartheid is over, and the new government is Black, but South Africa still struggles with its identity.  Zoe du Plessis, an Afrikaner (white)  paleontologist struggles too…with more than just her identity.

Adrianna Dagnino is an Italian writer currently teaching at University of B.C.


Here To Stay

Here to Stay by Mark Edwards – Published: September 2019

A whirl-wind courtship turned marriage has Elliott meeting the in-laws from hell.  He may have moved a little too fast when he met Gemma, and asked too few questions.  Too late now!

Mark Edwards is an American author.



Roses of May (The Collector, #2) The Roses of May by Dot Hutchison – Published May 2017

The second in The Collector Series has the FBI agents tracking a serial killer who has killed 16 young girls in the last 16 years.  One per year, every spring.  If they don’t catch him soon, a 17th girl’s life will be lost.

Dot Hutchison is an American author.


Woman in the Water Woman in the Water by Katerina Diamond –Publishing: Nov., 2019

This is the 6th in the Detectives Imogen Grey and Adrian Miles series.  A woman’s body is found submerged in the water but she is still alive. A dead body is found, but then the woman disappears.  Further investigations just bring more questions.

Katerina Diamond is a British author.



The Endarkening

The Endarkening by J.T. Ellison  – Published: 2017

This is a short horror story.  Evie Williams moves from Nashville to Scotland to enjoy the art scene.  She is about to become part of the painting that draws her in.

JT Ellison is an American author.



So…what do you think…have you read any of these?  Plans?

Upcoming Reviews for September 2019


My Upcoming Book Reviews for September 2019

Once again, the month will be a busy one….and I am soooo looking forward to it 🙂

Below is a sample of what books you’ll see in the coming weeks.   As always, some new, some not released yet, some old, some parts of a series….  I will read another 5 or 10, so please check out my blog, follow me, and maybe find your next great read!

Remember, reading for pleasure is a good thing!  #KeepReading


The Butterfly Garden (The Collector, #1) The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison – Published 2016

This is the first in The Collector series.  The FBI are interviewing one of the survivors of a man known as The Gardener. He collected young women, tattooed a butterfly on their back, raped them, and kept them until the age of 21, when he killed them and put them behind glass.  A little/lot creepy….but good.



The Passengers

The Passengers by John Marrs – Published: August, 2019

Autonomous cars.  Yes, this is a science-fiction book, but self-driving cars may become reality in the not-so-different future.  So what if they get hacked.  Eight passengers and a jury are held captive by a madman who is intent on killing all the Passengers.  A reality check!



What Rose Forgot

What Rose Forgot by Nevada Barr – Publishing September, 2019

Imagine waking up from a mental fog, only to discover that you have been committed to a nursing home with dementia.  Then you overhear a conversation which leads you to believe that you are not going to make it through the week. You know you have to get out of there.  But how do you make anyone believe you are suddenly fine…


Last of the Magpies: The Thrilling Conclusion to The Magpies (Kindle Single)

Last of the Magpies by Mark Edwards – Published: April, 2019

This is the final in the trilogy.  Lucy Newton is still evading authorities but Jamie has a new way of finding her.  His ex will be dragged in again.  The series has been good….this one is about revenge and justice….and it’s a little twisted.




Rewind by Catherine Ryan Howard – Publishing September 3, 2019

Shanamore Family Cottages, a nice little retreat.  But for Natalie, she is there for information, not rest.   Andrew, the manager seems a little “off”, but that could be because he has a camera set up in the bedrooms of his unsuspecting tenants, and at one point he saw much more than he wanted to.  Creepy!



So…have you read any of these?  Plan to?





Upcoming Reviews for July 2019

Upcoming Reviews for July 2019

July will be a busy month.  Although I will be reading a lot more than the five books listed below, this is a fair cross-section of what I will be show-casing for July.  As always, there are new among old, stand-alone and books within a series.  Something to tempt you, the reader, to try something new….


Magpies, The - Mark Edwards


The Magpies by Mark Edwards (#1 – The Magpies)

 Published: March 2013



The Magpies – This is the first in The Magpies trilogy.  A couple find the perfect home….until the neighbours from hell introduce themselves….and interfere in every aspect of the young couples lives.  Really good!


Doctor, The - Lisa Stone


The Doctor by Lisa Stone

Published: June, 2019



The Doctor – Another book about neighbours…but this time, they are the ones that want to be left alone.  Their secrets could get someone killed.  A fast, entertaining read.



Liar's House, The - Carla Kovach


The Liar’s House by Carla Kovach (#4 – Gina Harte)

 Publishing:  July 2, 2019 by Bookouture



The Liar’s House – The fourth in the Detective Gina Harte series has the team trying to find a killer in a partner-swapping internet club.  A good police procedural.  There are a lot of twists in this one!



Growing Things and Other Stories - Paul Tremblay


Growing Things and Other Short Stories by Paul Tremblay

Publishing: July 2, 2019



Growing Things and Other Short Stories – An anthology of short stories from an author with a vivid imagination, bringing horror, suspense and psychological madness to the readers mind.  Be prepared.



House at the Bottom of a Lake, A - Josh Malerman


A House at the Bottom of the Lake by Josh Malerman

Published: October, 2016



A House at the Bottom of a Lake – Part horror, part fantasy, part love story.  Two teenagers discover love and so much more while out on canoe ride.  Loved this one!



Feel Free to comment.  Have you any of read these?  Want to?





Up-Coming May 2019 Reviews


May will have some surprises, as always.    But the following will definitely be reviewed.    Whether they be old or new, fiction or truth, there is something for everyone.




The Night Janitor by T.F. Allen   (Publishing: May 2, 2019)

A brother and sister with gifts.  One can heal, one can kill.  One wants the other dead.






The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths   (Publishing: May 7, 2019)

In the 11th of the Ruth Galloway series, it feels like the past comes back to haunt them, as the son of an old friend shows up at a dig, where old and not-so-old bones are found.





Perfect Silence by Helen Fields   (Published: August, 2018)

Luc Callanach is back in the 4th of this police procedural series.  He and Ava are looking into two cases involving knife work.  One is aimed at the homeless, and the other aimed at women recovering from addictions.  Both are gruesome.





Til Death Do Us Part by Stephen Edger   (Publishing: May 17, 2019)

A wedding….gone so wrong.







In Pieces by Sally Field  (Published: September, 2018)

From the Gidget to The Flying Nun.  From Sybil to Norma Rae.  A wonderful career.  A complex woman.  She tells it all.





Feel Free to comment.  Have you any of read these?  Want to?

Up-Coming April Reviews


As always, some new, some old.  These are a sure thing for my April reviews….but there are always other surprises.



Binding, The - Bridget CollinsThe Binding by Bridget Collins  (Release Date: April 16, 2019)

Since a young age, Emmet has been drawn to books, even though they are strictly forbidden.  So it is a surprise when he is sent away to become the apprentice of Seredith, a Bookbinder. She does more than simply bind books. To some, her occupation arouses suspicion, fear even anger. To Seredith, it is a sacred calling.  But not all Bookbinders have her moral compass.



Perfect Death - Helen Fields


Perfect Death by Helen Fields  (Published January, 2018)

The 3rd in the Luc Callanach detective series has Luc and Ava searching for a killer who leaves no evidence behind, and a mobster who leaves no witnesses.




I Know You - Erik Therme


I Know You by Erik Therme  (Release Date: April 12, 2019)

Bree Walker is following instructions.  Her 16 year-old sister has been abducted and the man on the phone is specific.  But in the end, is she willing to give him what he wants?




Columbine - Dave CullenColumbine by Dave Cullen  (Published: 2009)

On Tuesday April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold took their guns and home-made bombs to their high school and proceeded to put their small community on the map.  Using hundreds of interviews, thousands of pages of police files, FBI psychologists, and the boy’s tapes and diaries, Dave Cullen created a comprehensive account of the tragedy.



Her Pretty Bones - Carla Kovach


Her Pretty Bones by Carla Kovach   (Published: January 2019)

The 3rd in the Detective Gina Harte series has Gina trying to determine the identity of a young girl who was either pushed or jumped from a moving vehicle.  When a second girl is found in a shallow grave, similarities cannot be ignored.




Feel Free to comment.  Have you any of read these?  Want to?