Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

Alias Grace

Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

 Published: 1996



Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood is the fictionalized story of a true crime.

Facts.  Grace Martin and James McDermott were found guilty of murdering Thomas Kinnear and his housekeeper/mistress Nancy Montgomery in Canada in 1843.  James McDermott was hanged for the crime.  Grace, then 16, was sentenced to life in prison in Kingston Ontario, and sent to an insane asylum in Toronto for a time.  Her lawyer had argued that because of her youth and weak gender (being female), not to mention her lack of intelligence (close to being a complete idiot- or so it was said), Grace should not be so harshly punished.  Atwood first read about the crime in a book written by Susanna Moodie, who retold the story from a third hand account, and Atwood questioned some (but not all) of the details.  After much research into the available records, newspaper accounts and the overall political and social era, she wrote Alias Grace.

Atwood combines fact and fiction to tell Grace’s story by developing the character of Dr. Simon Jordan, who is researching mental illness and insane asylums, and who ends up visiting Grace eight years after her incarceration.  Her story slowly (very slowly) comes out, and whether fact or fiction, is quite entertaining.  Some think her innocent (or just naïve), and some think Grace is insane.  Grace says she cannot remember what happened, and Dr. Jordan tries to bring back her memories.  What he finds sends him into his own nightmare.

Atwood takes us on a journey through Grace’s memories, but also through the mind of her doctor, who is slowly losing both his morals and perhaps a bit of his mind.

Although I am not a “historical fiction” reader, I found this book very interesting, probably because it is centered in Ontario, where I live, and I recognized the towns, cities and political names mentioned.

But whatever you believe, Grace is a strong woman, who has seen much, and whose thoughts are quite deep.  As usual, Margaret Atwood wrote a strong character.  It is left up to the reader to determine what to believe.  Victim or fiend?

While I enjoyed the book, I did find it long!


Read: August 2017


Favorite Quotes from Alias Grace:

“Sometimes at night I whisper it over to myself: Murderess, Murderess.”

“I am fond of animals as a rule but this one took an effort.”

“Gone mad is what they say, and sometimes Run mad, as if mad is a direction, like west; as if mad is a different house you could step into, or a separate country entirely. But when you go mad you don’t go any other place, you stay where you are. And somebody else comes in.”

“Those who have been in trouble themselves are alert to it in others, Sir.”

“If we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged.”


Margaret Atwood

About the Author:  Margaret Atwood (1939- ) is a renowned Canadian author.  She is the author of more than thirty-five volumes of poetry, children’s literature, fiction, and non-fiction and is perhaps best known for her novels – including The Handmaid’s Tale.  She currently lives in Toronto.  (p.s.  If nothing else, we share a birthday)

The 8th Confession by James Patterson (#8 – Women’s Murder Club)

The 8th Confession (Women's Murder Club #8)

The 8th Confession by James Patterson (with Maxine Paetro)

  Published: 2009



The 8th Confession by James Patterson (and Maxine Paetro) is the 8th in the Women’s Murder Club Mystery Series.

The Women – Homicide Detector Lindsay Boxer , Medical Examiner Claire Washburn, Reporter Cindy Thomas and Lawyer Yuki Castellano, come together to solve crimes in San Francisco.  There isn’t actually too much interaction between them in this book. Perhaps if there had been….

There are two active crimes in this book.  The murder of the rich and famous, and the murder of a street person.  Needless to say, the police are looking into the case of the rich and famous.  The street person, who goes by “Bagman Jesus”, is getting lost in the shuffle. Cindy, however, is not going to let this go.  She quickly convinces Lindsay and her partner Rich Conklin, to investigate in their off hours.  Meanwhile, Claire is stumped (for the first time ever), in determining the cause of death in the rich and famous cases.  Yuki is on a losing streak in court, but has a new possibility in the romance department.

Nothing is as it seems in this one.  The rich and famous case has a surprise twist, and so does Bagman Jesus. 

I was not overly impressed with this book.  Actually, a lot of it pissed me off.  I didn’t like the turn-around of the homeless person’s character.  I have not (and still do not like) Lindsay’s cavalier attitude between her boyfriend (who she supposedly loves deeply), and the possibility of sleeping with her partner (where she seems pleased with herself from holding back), and then jealousy when Cindy gets involved.  These women are supposed to be a little more mature than Patterson is portraying them.  Patterson’s excuse of Cindy’s for jumping in and notifying next of kin is not acceptable.  I particularly disliked Yuki’s attitude toward Doc.  This seemed totally out of character.  I still like Claire.

On the good side, Patterson’s short chapters lead to a quick read.

Re-Read: July 2017


Favorite Quote from The 8th Confession:

“So why, I asked myself, driving away from Rich—speeding away, as a matter of fact—does doing the right thing feel so bad?”


About the Authors:

Image result for James Patterson


James Patterson is an American author who is one of the most prolific writers world-wide. 





Maxine Paetro is an American author who has been publishing books since 1979.  She has teamed up with James Patterson on numerous occasions 

Cross Fire by James Patterson (#17 Alex Cross)

Cross Fire (Alex Cross, #17)

Cross Fire by James Patterson

 Published: 2010




Cross Fire by James Patterson is the 17th in the Alex Cross mystery series.

First, I am very happy that a few things finally get resolved in this book.  On the other hand, certain things are coming back to haunt Alex.  If you are an Alex Cross fan, this one is a must-read.

Okay, there is a lot going on in this book.  Alex and Bree are planning for their wedding, which of course ends up taking back stage when some high-profile murders occur.  Apparently someone (with very good aim) is taking matters into their own hands when the corrupt of Washington are not being properly punished.  Alex is assigned to the case, and will be working with a new field agent, Max Siegel, whom Alex instantly dislikes.  Max is certainly not making life easy for him.  They just don’t quite see eye-to-eye.  Wonder why? 

Kyle Craig, “The Mastermind”, is back to make Alex’s life miserable, and of course, he is threatening the Cross family.  Not a wise decision. 

Alex is also helping John Sampson track down a killer who is carving numbers in the corpses he leaves behind.  (I actually really liked this part).

Christine is also back in the picture, showing up at the Cross home without an invitation. No one except Ali (her son) is excited with this turn of events.

This was a typical James Patterson novel.  His short chapters lead to a fast-paced, action-packed thriller.  Although generally predictable, this one did have a few plot twists.

Every time I think I am finished with this series, I decide, one more book.  I am not so sure that it is because I am enjoying them, or due to the fact that I know what to expect. Sometimes I think I need a shot of the familiar, and that is what this series has become to me.  Not great, but familiar.

Read: July 2017



About the Author:  James Patterson is one of the bestselling writers of all time, with more than 170 million books sold worldwide.  His lifelong passion for books and reading led him to launch a new website,, which helps parents, grandparents, teachers, and librarians find the very best children’s books for their kids.

The Other Girl by Erica Spindler

The Other Girl

The Other Girl by Erica Spindler

 Published: 2017



The Other Girl by Erica Spindler is a mystery novel.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher St. Martin’s Press, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Small-town police officer Miranda Rader is called in to investigate the gruesome murder of one of the town’s most beloved professors, and the son of that school’s president.  But something isn’t right.  In his papers Miranda finds an old newspaper clipping, about herself.  Something that she thought she had left behind.  Her boss starts questioning her motives, and the victim’s father seems to be running the show.  Miranda is starting to think that the victim may not be the saint that people thought.  But no one is listening.

As more clues surface, and another body is found, it is obvious that Miranda is now at the center of the investigation.  No one believed her 14 years ago, and it looks like no one believes her now.  Even her partner questions her judgement. 

Sometimes you can’t escape the past.  Miranda is going to have to figure out what happened 14 years ago if she has any hope of solving these recent crimes, and of staying out of jail.

Miranda’s background is told through flashbacks, and it worked really well to tell the story.  This was a really fast read.  The action kept it going, and although I could predict the ending, it was very entertaining.  Erica Spindler created characters with enough depth to be real, and the dialogue was spot on. I will definitely be reading more of her books.

Highly recommended.


Read: August 2017


Favorite Quotes from The Other Girl:

The other girl would believe her. She had been real—despite the fact that nothing ever appeared in the local media, not news of a missing girl, not a reported rape or homicide. No Jane Doe.”

“I think you need to figure out why this is happening to you.”



About the Author:  Erica Spindler has a BFA and MFA in visual arts, and her intention to become an artist was waylaid in 1982 by a cold and a romance novel.  After reading everything she could, she took pen in hand, and the rest is history.   Since that time she has published over 20 novels and they’ve been published world-wide.  Originally from Louisiana, she currently lives in the New Orleans area.

Black Friday by Alex Kava (#7 Maggie O’Dell)

Black Friday (Maggie O'Dell, #7)

Black Friday by Alex Kava

Published: 2009



Black Friday by Alex Kava is the 7th in the FBI Profiler Maggie O’Dell Series.

It is the the busiest shopping day of the year.  It is the day after Thanksgiving (known as Black Friday), and the largest shopping mall in the U.S., the “Mall of America” expects 150,000-200,000 visitors.  Instead, shopping comes to a sudden halt when three separate explosions rock the mall.  It is quickly determined that the bombs were in backpacks carried by three young college students.

The students thought they were just carrying devices that would disrupt computer services within the mall, to protest that the retailers are selling goods made out of the country.  But they are being used.  Their backpacks are detonated remotely, and two of the three are killed immediately.  The third boy and his girlfriend are kidnapped.

Maggie and her new boss (Assistant Director Ray Kunze) head to the mall.  So does Maggie’s old friend Nick Morelli, who has recently taken on a new job with United Allied Security, the company that is in charge of security for the Mall of America.  Charlie Wurth from Homeland Security is also present, as well as the local police.  Unknown to Maggie, her half-brother Patrick is also at the mall . He was with one of the students carrying a backpack.

Things are going to get a little bit worse before they get any better.  Patrick may be able to identify the mastermind.

Alex Kava has written another fast-paced novel.  I’m not happy with the Nick Morelli angle, as that should have died a natural death a while ago.  I also think Kava may have rushed things a little, as getting from Point A to B to C seemed a little confusing (like maybe point B was missed).  But the home-grown terrorism angle was really interesting. As well, I like the fact that Maggie and her new boss do not immediately see eye-to-eye.  It feels real.

Overall, while not my favorite, I still love this series.


Re-Read: June 2017


Favorite Quotes from Black Friday:

“Christmases after his death were usually as unpredictable as they were untenable. It depended on how early in the day—or the evening before—her mother decided to start the festivities and who the guests would be—Jim Beam, José Cuervo or Jack Daniel. If the year had been especially successful, Johnnie Walker might replace all the others.”


About the Author:  Alex Kava is the NY Times best-selling author of this Maggie O’Dell Series.  She  has also written a new Ryder Creed series, as well as stand-alone novels.  Before devoting her time to writing, she held a variety of jobs, mostly in marketing and advertising.  She started her own graphic design company, designing food packages and logos for various national companies.   Kava currently divides her time between Omaha, Nebraska and Pensacola, Florida.  She has a pack of Westies.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling

 Published: 2008



And now for something completely different.  A book from a book.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling is a collection of short children’s stories that were read to young witches and wizards in the Harry Potter world. This book is mentioned, and plays a part in The Deathly Hallows (the last book of the Harry Potter series).

The history of this book, is that it belonged to Albus Dumbledore, and in it, he had made notes about each story.  When Dumbledore died, he bequeathed the book to Hermione Grainger.  Later, Hermione re-translated the whole thing from the original runes, and included Dumbledore’s notes.  Between introductions, and notes, there are only 5 stories. A brief synopsis of each:

The Wizard and the Hopping Pot……a young wizard inherits his father’s magical pot, but when he refuses to use it to help others, there is one calamity after another.

The Fountain of Fair Fortune.…….on one day ever year,  ordinary people try to get into the enchanted garden and be the first to bathe in the fountain, where they will be granted “fair fortune” for evermore.  This year, three witches and a guard find themselves facing challenges to reach the fountain, much less decide who will bathe in it.

The Warlock’s Hairy Heart…….A young wizard uses dark magic to ensure that he is protected from everything. Unfortunately, that means he lives a very lonely life, which he does not even notice until he realizes others pity him.  Okay, this is a horror story. NOT meant for young children!

Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump…….A long time ago, a foolish king decides that he should be the only one who can practice magic, so he formed a Brigade of Witch Hunters, and hired an instructor.  The witches all went into hiding, and his instructor knew only tricks, but they were enough to lead the King into thinking he was a true wizard.  The King’s washerwoman turns the tables.

The Tale of the Three Brothers.…..Best known as being read in the Harry Potter Series, this story tells the story of the three brothers who try to outwit death.

Okay, I love the Harry Potter Series. I re-read them regularly.  I even re-watch the movies on a yearly basis.  (Yes, I am in my late 50’s, so don’t ask). I read this book when the book first came out, but put it on my “do not blog” list.  I changed my mind when I re-read them.  I don’t think I paid enough attention to Dumbledore’s notes the first time around. He often tied the stories into events that Potter fans are familiar with, and there was even a blurb about a disagreement between him and Lucius Malfoy over one of the stories. 

Overall, they were entertaining — for a true Potter fan.  Although a stand-alone book, I can’t see reading this if you haven’t read the series.


Re-Read: June 2017


Favorite Quote from The Tales of Beedle the Bard:

“No man or woman alive, magical or not, has ever escaped some form of injury, whether physical, mental or emotional.  To hurt is as human as to breathe.” – From Albus Dumbledore’s notes

“But Death was cunning”.” – From The Tale of the Three Brothers


About the Author (from Goodreads):  Although she writes under the pen name J.K. Rowling, pronounced like rolling, her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers demanded that she use two initials, rather than her full name.  As she had no middle name, she chose K as the second initial of her pen name, from her paternal grandmother Kathleen Ada Bulgen Rowling.  She calls herself Jo and has said, “No one ever called me ‘Joanne’ when I was young, unless they were angry.”  Following her marriage, she has sometimes used the name Joanne Murray when conducting personal business.  During the Leveson Inquiry she gave evidence under the name of Joanne Kathleen Rowling.  In a 2012 interview, Rowling noted that she no longer cared that people pronounced her name incorrectly.

Zoo by James Patterson (#1 Zoo)


Zoo by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge

 Published: 2012



Zoo, by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge, did not live up to my expectations.  I have read most of his novels, and enjoyed 90%.  This was one of his duds.

The above statement was from my first reading of this book a few years ago.  I have been enjoying the television series (now in its 3rd season), and thought I would re-read the book.   Although it still lacks something, I have a little more respect for the novel.

In particular, I still find the premise of Zoo interesting.  Jackson Oz, a biologist/ecologist/scientist became obsessed with the idea that there have been an increased amount of animal attacks on humans.  He drops out of university to pursue this line of thought.  Unfortunately, very few in the field believe him.  On a trip to Botswana, Oz experiences the attack of a group of all male lions, something unheard of. That seems to be the beginning.  Animals around the world start attacking humans.  From bats to rhinos, from house-cats to lions, from zoo animals to pets, they all seem to act as one. 

Oz is suddenly in the spot-light.  People are finally listening.  However, when they finally figure out why this is happening, the bigger question becomes, can humans change their ways.

Overall, Patterson did what he always does.  Provide a fast-paced, suspense-filled book. Still not totally happy with the book, but it wasn’t as bad the second time around… 


Re-Read: June 2017


Favorite Quotes from Zoo:

“Turns out an apocalypse actually comes on pretty slowly. Not fire and brimstone but rust and dandelions. Not a bang but a whimper.”

“It was a zoo, all right, I thought, shutting off the water, staring out through the bars down at Seventh Street. Only it was starting to look like the Homo sapiens were the ones who would be relegated to the cages from now on.”


About the Authors:

James Patterson needs no introduction.  Still a prolific writer.

Michael Ledwidge has written a few novels on his own, but is most famous for co-writing a number of books with Patterson.  Of Irish descent, he is New York born and raised.


Choosing to Read a Book Series

I think everyone who blogs about books, will at some point scrutinize their decision to get involved with a book series.

A quick examination of my blog reveals that many of the books I read are part of a series, but after some analysis, my reasons for choosing a series seem to be a contradiction in logic.  

Sort of a love/hate relationship.

There are a lot of reasons against getting immersed in a series.  They are really time-consuming.  I dread starting a new series, because what if I like it?  How many more books have already been written in this series, how many more to come?  How far behind am I?  What if I can’t find one of the installments?  What if I hate the series, am I going to continue anyway, because the next book might be better?  What if I get bored with them? Is this going to become a chore just to get to the end?  Either way, will it ever end?  What will I do when it does end?    OMG!!!!  Okay, deep breath. {sigh}  To be honest, I’ve had every one of the above experiences and survived.  So I just plod along.

“A Series of books is really one book separated into several.”  – Maribel C. Pagan

Another problem with a series is the fear that the author stops being truly interested in his/her characters, both the main and supporting cast.  All characters must continue to grow, learn new things, meet new people, expand their horizons.   There’s nothing worse than realizing that the young detective you rooted for when he started out is still 30 years old and living at home with his parents – 10 books later.  Or that one of the favorite side-kicks disappeared with no explanation.  The characters must grow with the books.   In a series there is always more than just the plot.  Character development and continuity is the key.

Then there is the waiting…..part of the reason I will start an older series is because I don’t have to wait for the next book.  It’s already out there, just waiting for me to pick it up.  With a new series you run the risk of having to wait for the author to come out with the next installment – what if the author goes on to a different series, or dies before it gets written???  Again, deep breath. 

“I hate it when I have to wait the next book in a series to come out. ”  – Patrick Rothfuss

Part of the appeal to the series is the genre.  I read a lot of mysteries, thrillers, fantasy, and apocalyptic tales, all which lend themselves well to the series model. 

Yes, a series of books is truly my favorite.   I like getting more involved, more familiar, more in-tune with the characters over time.  You get attached, okay I get attached.   They grow and become like family – not necessarily a family I need, and not always one I want.  Then there is the fact that I’m not really good with endings.  I want more.

Let’s not get me started on cliff-hangers.

Speaking of endings,  there is a point when every series must end.  Some authors have a hard time finding it  – James Patterson’s Alex Cross series comes to mind, as I’m in the middle of it and there seems to be no end in sight (it’s starting to drag).   Some endings I hate – I love Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series, really hate that ending, but still re-read it every year or two.   Some series I wish would go on forever – love JK Rowling’s Harry Potter Series, but know she ended that well.  Although to be honest she has come out with a few little add-ons to the series.  Yes, every series must end…’s the letting go I have problems with….hence the re-reading.

“A good book has no ending.”  – Robert Frost

Yet I always return to the series, because I know what I am getting.  I am getting more.  A series promises more.  More familiarity.  More of the same characters.   More of the same writing style.   More books.   And that’s it….more.  I love more.

What about you?


Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo (#2 Harry Hole)


Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo

 Originally Published:  1998



Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo is the 2nd in the Harry Hole Norwegian crime series. 

Although released in Norway in 1998, it was not released in North America until 2013, after some of his later novels in the series. For a change, I am glad I am behind on reading Nesbo, so I get to read the series in order.

In Cockroaches, Harry is sent to Thailand to investigate the death of a Norwegian Ambassador who is found stabbed in a sleazy motel.  Harry was specifically chosen for this job.  Norwegian officials want this case closed, and closed quietly.  No scandal can surface.  Who better to send than an alcoholic who will probably not do much in the way of investigating anyway.  Unknown to the bosses, Harry is on the wagon, and determined to dig deep into this case.  In Thailand, he is introduced to the seedier side of the country. He sees that their government too, wants the case closed, but mainly because there is so much other crime they are dealing with.  

Harry finds that politically, the dead Ambassador’s associates are a bit power-hungry.  Rivalry abounds.  When it comes the Ambassador’s wife and daughter, it is a whole new ballgame.  While in Bangkok, Harry is confronted with rampant prostitution, cockfighting, and loan sharks, not to mention drug trafficking, child pornography and child prostitution.  In the middle of all this, is a murderer.

Nesbo has written about a wonderfully flawed detective who is trying his best to do a good job, and to get his life in order.  It isn’t smooth sailing.  This is the reason we love Harry Hole.  It is a fast-paced book, with Harry on a rollercoaster of emotions and with a variety of suspects.  Again, Nesbo did a lot of research on Bangkok and Thailand, and provided me with an education.  It was a really interesting read.


Read: June 2017


Favorite Quotes from Cockroaches:

“I was convinced the only insects that survived in this town were cockroaches….
‘They just exist,’ Harry repeated, not sarcastically, more reflectively.
‘They’re made like that. Made for us to want to tread on them. If there weren’t so many of them.’”

“Have you seen the children walking around selling chewing gum?’
Harry nodded. The area around the go-go bars in Patpong was teeming with them.
‘That’s the code. The chewing gum means they’re for sale.’
Harry realised with a shudder that he’d bought a packet of Wrigley’s off a barefoot, black-eyed boy, who had looked terrified, but Harry had put that down to the crowds and the noise.”

‘If you get bitten, make sure you catch the snake, so you’re given the right antidote. Then it doesn’t matter if you’re bitten a second time.’


About the Author:  Jo Nesbo (pronounced “you nesbaugh”) is a musician, songwriter, economist and author. 

Girl in Snow by Danya Kukafka

Girl in Snow

Girl in Snow by Danya Kukafka

Published: 2017



Girl in Snow by Danya Kukafka is her debut novel. 

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Simon & Schuster, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When the body of high school student Lucinda Hayes is found in the playground of her Colorado town, many lives will be changed.  Many people will have to look inside themselves to find their own truths. 
Cameron is the boy who loved her from afar. Some would say he stalked her. They had barely spoken, but he spent almost every night outside her window, watching, and he has made many drawings of her.  Now she is gone.  Cameron doesn’t remember what happened the night Lucinda died.

Jade hated her.  Lucinda had the perfect body, the perfect parents, the perfect life, and had taken everything that Jade had loved.  Jade never had a chance to tell her.  Some secrets may never come to light.

Russ is the policeman who is investigating the murder.  He is in a troubled marriage and a job he is not sure he wants.  He too has secrets, and promises to keep.  Russ is trying to protect the innocent, but he isn’t sure who is guilty.  He wonders if his distrust for his brother-in-law is swaying his judgement.  Then there is young Cameron, the son of his last partner who fled town after Russ protected him from jail-time. 

The story is told from the perspectives of Cameron, Jade and Russ. 

Unfortunately, although the plot showed promise, the story moved slowly and lacked any excitement.  It was rather depressing.  It was not the mystery/thriller I was anticipating. The characters are all rather shallow, including the adults, and the police force is a joke. Things didn’t ring true. 

On the other hand, Danya Kukafka is an excellent writer.  Her prose and timing is good, and I imagine if the characters were a little deeper, I would have been more impressed.  I am sure there are others out there that will disagree with my assessment of the book, but this is only my opinion, so to each their own.  I can’t love everything.


Read: July 2017


Favorite Quotes from Girl in Snow:

And anyway, some types of love were quieter than others.”

“In that sweaty circle, I prayed to some unspecified force that Lucinda Hayes would simply disappear.”


About the Author: Danya Kukafka is a graduate of New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study.  She works as an assistant editor at Riverhead Books.  GIRL IN SNOW is her first novel.