Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King


Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King

Published: November, 1983



Reason I chose to Read this Book:  He’s one of my favorite authors of all time.  I read this when it first came out, and since it’s relatively short, I thought it was time for a re-read.


Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King  is a horror novella/short story about….a werewolf (surprise!).


My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
The town of Tarker’s Mills in Maine has a problem.

In January, a railway worker had his throat torn out.  In February, a woman was attacked in her bedroom.  Each month when the moon is full, someone dies a grizzly death.

But in July, 10 year old wheelchair bound Marty Coslaw avoids death.  Mind you, no one believes what he says.  Instead, his parents send him away for the rest of the summer.  In December, the werewolf comes calling, but Marty thinks he is ready for him.


My Opinions:
It has been about 30 years since I first read this, and the re-read was a pleasant return to this story.  The illustrations add to the tale, but weren’t really needed.  The story speaks for itself.

The method of story-telling — by month, was rather different, and worked really well.  The book felt like classic horror.  Nothing fancy, just a good scary story.

Basically, it’s a fast and entertaining read….but I admit it is was not as good as it was 30 years ago.


For a more complete review of this book and others (including the reason I chose to read/review this book, author information and a favorite quotation from the book), please visit my blog:


Read: 1983

Re-Read: April, 2024 


Favorite Quotes from Cycle of the Werewolf:

“The wind doesn’t scratch at doors… or whine to be let in.”


Stephen KingAbout the Author: Stephen Edwin King (Sept 21 1947 – )  is an American author, born in Maine. He married Tabitha in 1971, and they have three children: Reverend Naomi King, author Owen King, and author Joe Hill.  If you need more information, google him.  *** Photo Taken from GoodReads



 Check him out yourself:


I have also reviewed this book on GoodReads:


Have you read it?  Do you plan to?  Tell me your thoughts…do you agree or disagree with my assessment?  These are only my opinions – and it would be a boring world if we all thought the same.  Either way, I’d love to know.





2 thoughts on “Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King

    • KatD59 says:

      Thanks Sandy….I’m not positive, but I don’t remember it being in any of his anthologies. I think it was just an illustrated book on it’s own. And, I “think” it was made into a film called Silver Bullet, but I’m not sure I ever saw that.


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