That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk


That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk

 Publishing:  June 11, 2024 by Poisoned Pen Press



Reason I chose to Read this Book: I read The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, and although I wasn’t that impressed, I always give a new author a second chance….oh, and this one also deals with a library.  Then there’s the fact that she lives in Canada.


That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk  is a psychological thriller.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Poisoned Pen Press and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions):
Davey Kebede considers himself the head of the student assistant librarians. He is sure he will be hired full-time.  His thesis was about the Eleusinian Mysteries and so he
organized a Greek ritual to take place in the basement of the William E. Woodend Rare Books Library in Vermont, on the night before graduation day.  The ritual is said to free all from the fear of death.  All invitees will be students (or so Davey thought).

Mary Xiao fell in love with the lions guarding the library on her first visit.  She snorts crushed Adderall between classes, and longs for friends.  She is a star in the library, and also a candidate for the full-time post.  Davey invited her to the ritual, and she suggested he invite Faye (although he doesn’t admit that).

Faye Bradshaw, although working in the library, is actually a scientist, but the library pays more than her lab.  She is a very shy young woman, and was thrilled when Davey invited her.

Soraya Abbasi, the third candidate for the full-time job,  was invited by Davey, and after her finals, and five job interviews, she’s there for the drugs.

Kip Pickens, also invited by Davey, is Soraya’s boyfriend.  His ego knows no bounds, and he can’t stand Davey.

Umu Owusu  was invited by Kip (her TA), mainly so that she could bring a drug dealer.

Ro Tucci is a drug dealer and a bartender, and was invited by Umu (his best friend).

They will not all survive the night.


My Opinions:
I had really high hopes for this book.  The atmosphere of a night in the basement of a library to re-enact a Greek myth?  Sounds promising.  So, good plot and atmosphere.  Great.

However, I must admit that I didn’t really like any of the characters.  They were either egotistical, or beyond socially inept.  I did, like the relationship between Umu and Ro because it wasn’t perfect – it was a true friendship.  But on their own, they weren’t very likeable either.

The book looked at drug use, and the reactions of those who took the acid.  It looked at behaviours, at arrogance, at lies, at morals, at insecurities and at loneliness.

It was basically a locked-room mystery with most of the characters on drugs. Some of it was a little far-fetched (the paper-cutter), but that’s okay, it’s fiction.

 So, overall, the premise was great and the book okay.  I think, since it’s about college-age students, it should appeal to more the YA crowd.

Read: June, 2024



Eva Jurczyk


About The Author: Eva Jurczyk was born in Poland, but lives in Toronto Ontario with her husband and son.  She is also a librarian at the University of Toronto.  Eva has a BA in Professional, Technical, and Business Writing from York.  *** Photo taken from GoodReads


Check her out:


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Have you read it?  Do you plan to?  Tell me your thoughts…do you agree or disagree with my assessment?  These are only my opinions – and it would be a boring world if we all thought the same.  Either way, I’d love to know.




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