If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay



If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay

 Publishing:  June 6, 2024 by Head of Zeus/Aries



Reason I chose to Read this Book: I read a number of this author’s books, and found them all to be four and five stars in my opinion.  Very talented author!


If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay  is a psychological thriller about a missing girl.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Head of Zeus/Aries and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions):
Ryan Richardson changed his last name to Smith after his girlfriend Ali was abducted five years ago.  He became a suspect, but there was no evidence.   His only memory of that night was the vague picture of a man with missing fingers, who hit him over the head and dragged him from the car.  Ryan gave up his basketball scholarship, moved from Leavenworth, and now plans to become a lawyer.  But on a summer trip to Italy, he learns that Ali’s car has been found submerged in the lake, and inside the car are two dead men.  No sign of Ali.

Ryan is more surprised to see the man that has haunted his dreams since that night.  The man with the missing fingers.  In Italy.

Meanwhile, Deputy Sheriff Poppy McGee has just started a job with the Leavenworth Police department when Ali’s car is found. An envelope is also found, with Ali’s handwriting, and Inside the envelope is a cypher.  Poppy is in charge of chasing down leads that come in.  But she always goes above and beyond, and is finding that there are a lot of missing pieces to this five-year old case, and she’s not being told everything….even by her own family.


My Opinions:
Well, this was a twisty thriller.  Told in multiple perspectives, and in flash-backs, you had to pay attention.  There were a lot of characters, and they all ended up intermingled.  At times I was confused as to who was who — never a good thing.

I’m not usually a fan of “mob” books, but this was well done.  Sometimes it was hard not to feel sorry for the bad guys…which only proves that this is a very talented author.

There were a number of twists, most predictable, and the major “betrayer” was obvious from the start.  However, it was still a fun ride.

Overall, it was a very fast-moving, and quick read.  Part of that was due to the pace of the story, and part was the short chapters.

Okay, I know, I seem to have a loot of complaints, and yet….I did really enjoy this book.  I will continue to watch for more from this author!


Read:  June, 2024



Alex FinlayAbout The Author: Alex Finlay is the pseudonym of an author who lives in Washington, D.C.   He is a prominent lawyer. Born in the American South, Alex spent years traversing the globe, from a tropical island in the Pacific to a small village in the UK to a remote region in the Far East. But it was on a trip to Tulum, Mexico that Alex was inspired to write Every Last Fear.  *** Picture Taken from GoodReads


Check out him out:


I have also reviewed this book on GoodReads:   https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6059131706


Have you read it?  Do you plan to?  Tell me your thoughts…do you agree or disagree with my assessment?  These are only my opinions – and it would be a boring world if we all thought the same.  Either way, I’d love to know.





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